INTERPORC and its commitment to triple sustainability in the pig sector
In terms of the environment, INTERPORC's environmental commitment is clear and ambitious. To meet the challenges of climate change, the roadmap includes measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire pork value chain, such as the adoption of advanced technologies to measure and reduce the carbon footprint and the environmental footprint of farms; or the development of carbon sinks, which allow CO2 to be captured and stored, and mitigate the impact on global warming.
Regarding air quality, the document focuses on the measurement and reduction of ammonia emissions. Thanks to the implementation of best available techniques (BAT), the sector has managed to significantly reduce these emissions, complying with environmental regulations and improving air quality in rural areas.
The circular economy is another fundamental pillar of INTERPORC's environmental strategy, which is committed to an issue in which the pig sector has already made significant progress, namely the reuse of resources and the minimisation of waste. For example, slurry and sewage sludge are being used as natural fertilisers or are being recovered for energy through the production of biogas. This not only reduces the environmental impact, but also creates a value-added cycle in which waste is converted into useful resources.
In terms of water use, the roadmap includes measures to optimise water consumption throughout the value chain. Water efficiency is crucial in a sector that, by nature, demands large amounts of this resource. Through measurement technologies and the adoption of more sustainable practices, the sector has so far achieved great success in reducing its water footprint, ensuring that water use is efficient and responsible.
Social Sustainability: commitment to the roots of the sector
This dimension is very special for INTERPORC, since the pig sector has been rooted in the countryside and its people for centuries. The interprofessional organisation is fully committed to the development of rural communities and works to ensure that pig farms and industries are drivers of their development, generate employment and contribute to their economic and social well-being.
In this regard, the organization carries out and promotes training and education programs for workers in the sector, as well as initiatives that promote equal opportunities and the personal and professional development of those who make up the pork value chain.
Economic Sustainability: Responsible Profitability
Economic sustainability is the basis of any sector because, without profitability, there is no present or future for any company. However, INTERPORC has managed to integrate it into its approach to social and environmental responsibility. The Spanish pig sector has remained competitive at a global level largely thanks to investments in innovation and technology. A commitment that has allowed it to improve production efficiency and reduce costs without sacrificing quality or sustainability.
Promoting the use of renewable energy is a clear example of how economic sustainability can go hand in hand with respect for the environment. Many farms have adopted energy sources such as solar or biomass, reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and decreasing emissions of polluting gases. These measures not only help the environment, but also improve long-term profitability by reducing operating costs.
Examples such as these illustrate the interbranch's focus on triple sustainability, with the aim of maintaining a competitive and profitable sector while protecting the environment and promoting social well-being. A comprehensive vision and a firm commitment through which INTERPORC participates in building a more sustainable future for the pig sector and for future generations.
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