A celebration of PGI Welsh Lamb is set to take place in the heart of the lucrative middle east ma...
The first international fair of the year in which INAC will participate will take place in Japan ...
This week, quality British beef and lamb took pride of place at a major industry event in the gas...
“Due to its sensory and nutritional qualities, ham is one of the best ambassadors for the Spanish...
The Lamb for St Andrews Young Chef Competition took place on Thursday 28 November at Archerfield,...
The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA), in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Inve...
The successes and challenges of the Polish beef sector were discussed during the 11th Internation...
The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) is present at the 2025 edition of the Internation...
JBS was recognized as the ' Exporting Company of the Year', in the ' Sustainable Development' cat...
15 Lambassadors gathered in Victoria to immerse themselves in the Australian farm-to-fork journey.