Australia: New tool takes guesswork out of buying and selling cattle

The Herd XL app has just been launched and allows producers to compare scenarios when buying, selling and trading cattle. It provides five tools to maximise profit from beef cattle through better decision making. Here, Herd XL founders Megan and Andrew Miller share how the app came to be.

Posted on Aug 15 ,00:15

Australia: New tool takes guesswork out of buying and selling cattle

Megan and Andrew Miller are beef producers first and foremost, but the development of their on-farm app was a more natural progression than many may think.

While Herd XL has only just launched to the public, the concept behind the app is something the Millers have been using for years.

"We manage an operation owned by someone else, and it’s important to be able to justify any decisions you’ve made to make sure the owner is getting bang for their buck", Andrew said.

Using insights from their participation in the inaugural MLA Challenge years earlier - which measured business improvement over a 12-month period - the Millers developed a series of spreadsheets that compared selling scenarios and forecasted results.

The spreadsheets, which the Millers have been using for years, have now been collated into a user-friendly app, taking the guesswork out of selling decisions for producers across the country.

The app’s tools include evaluating trading decisions, comparing selling scenarios, optimising turn-off dates, forecasting future weights and calculating carcase weight.

"When you’re selling cattle, there are so many variables to consider, whether it’s using AuctionsPlus, the local saleyards, or direct-to-feedlot", Andrew said.

"Each has their own commission, and varying freight costs associated with it. Herd XL compares all those variables and calculates which option provides the best value and the least inefficiencies".

Eventually, the value of the spreadsheet was needed beyond the office doors.

"We had the tools, but the next step became wanting them on your phone, and to be able to use them when you’re out in a paddock, or at the saleyards", Megan said.

After partnering with an app developer and agribusiness advisor, Herd XL was developed into an app which could be used offline with no mobile reception.

"It’s something simple a producer can download on their phone, and it will help them compare a variety of options from wherever they are".

For Megan, who isn’t a fan of spreadsheets, Herd XL was an accessible way to run the numbers.

"I don’t have the confidence when it comes to complex spreadsheets. Having something simple and easy to use which access on your phone anywhere, anytime, is a game changer".

MLA co-invested in Herd XL through the MLA Donor Company to accelerate producer-led innovation and demonstrate new venture concepts which create revenue beyond the farm gate.

"We really hope people find value in it, and they see the results in their profit margin", Andrew said.

"It’s an exciting time. We’re beef producers, not app developers, but it’s nice to be able to create something which can hopefully add value to other people’s business and allow them to keep more money in their pocket".

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