The National Pig Association (NPA) has joined the Cairngorms National Park authority and NFU Scot...
The government has decided to postpone the mandatory implementation of the electronic identificat...
The Nébih has confirmed the presence of plague of small ruminants in sheep herds in the Nagymétne...
Avian influenza viruses pose an increasing threat, with the potential to adapt to humans and trig...
Budding young chefs and food innovators across schools in Scotland are being called to take part ...
The last several years of market dynamics have dealt New Zealand food producers a mixed hand, see...
Annie Genevard, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, launched the Animal Health Conferen...
The presence of the bird flu virus has been detected in Heves and Pest counties by the laboratory...
The de Fegely family has been breeding ewe lambs for almost 15 years, but the practice has not be...
The Interprofessional Organisation of Beef in Spain (PROVACUNO) has signed an agreement with the ...