Transparency in agriculture consolidates Brazil's leadership in food production

In an article published in Folha de S.Paulo, JBS Global CEO Gilberto Tomazoni highlighted the importance of the Agro Brasil + Sustentavel Platform and the National Plan for Individual Identification of Cattle and Buffalo, launched by the federal government. For him, the initiatives represent a milestone for Brazilian agribusiness.

Posted on Jan 06 ,00:39

Transparency in agriculture consolidates Brazil's leadership in food production

The Agro Brasil + Sustentavel Platform is considered by the CEO to be an example of innovation in public service. For him, the tool will give visibility to sustainable practices in the country, with the benefit of encouraging their adoption by more producers. In addition, its main characteristic is that it is universal, and can be used by small, medium and large producers. 

The National Plan for Individual Identification of Cattle and Buffalo, which aims to qualify and improve animal traceability, will allow the monitoring and recording of the history, current location and trajectory of each identified animal. The measure will strengthen animal health programs and increase the capacity to respond to epidemiological outbreaks, in addition to reinforcing Brazil's commitment to complying with the health requirements of international markets.

Gilberto Tomazoni, CEO JBS Global: "Traveling through Brazil, I had the opportunity to visit properties that harvest three crops per year and have a neutral or even positive carbon balance. Foreigners who were on these visits said they were surprised to find such an environmentally-friendly agricultural production in the interior of Brazil. 

The world is facing two huge challenges-while 2.3 billion people face moderate to severe food insecurity, the population continues to grow. In this context, Brazil is in a privileged position to become the world's largest food supplier. We will have 1 billion more mouths to feed by 2037, and another billion by 2050, according to UN projections. 

With increased transparency in the supply chain, consumers around the world, including Brazilians, will be able to purchase food produced in the country with the guarantee that it meets the highest health and environmental standards. The meat industry, for example, adopted a sectoral protocol more than a decade ago that blocks the purchase of cattle from farms that have illegally deforested or that occupy protected areas or indigenous lands, among other criteria. 

At JBS, in addition to monitoring, we have been working hard in the production chain with programs that support rural producers in adopting the best agricultural practices. The Green Offices program, for example, has already served 14,000 producers, offering support for environmental regularization and technical assistance to produce more efficiently. It is a "win-win" because this way we make the field even more sustainable, more productive, and bring these producers back into the supply chain. 

It is in the interest of agriculture to increase transparency, and the participation of representatives from various production sectors in the construction of both the Agro Brasil + Sustentável Platform and the National Plan for Individual Identification of Cattle and Buffalo is proof of this. 

I am confident that these two launches represent a new milestone in the success story of Brazilian agriculture and will have the full support of our sector for their adoption and rapid dissemination throughout the value chain".

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